We are beyond thrilled to announce that Madeline Grace Hennessy arrived at 8:51am on February 23rd, weighing 6lbs, 13oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She is beyond cute and we could not be more thrilled for Ella to have a sister.

The story of her birth is a wild one but of course has a happy ending. Last Monday on her due date, we went to the doctor to find out I was barely dilated and the doctor telling us it could be awhile before her birth. On Tuesday afternoon, the contractions started but they were pretty
sporadic. All Tuesday night I was up with contractions so I went into the doctor Wednesday morning to be checked. Doctor monitored me for awhile and also agreed this baby wasn't coming anytime soon. So, disappointed I went home thinking this baby was not on it's way. Fast forward to 1:45am and I awoke having a strange feeling and all of the sudden, my water broke. It was go time! We called my Mom in Atlanta to come up to watch, Jaime next door rushed over to watch Ella who slept through the entire thing and we were off to the hospital. At this point, my contractions were fast and furious, coming every 2 minutes and extremely painful. After arriving, I was still barely dilated so we waited. After a couple hours, I got my epidural which was amazing but throughout this entire morning, the doctors and nurses kept a very close watch over the baby as her heartbeat was extremely high. We tried everything to bring it down, changing position, giving me oxygen, etc. Finally, a little before 8am the doctor came in and after a very hard and tearful discussion, we concluded that the safest course for me and especially the baby was to do an immediate c-section to stop the stress of the baby. This was something I had really tried to avoid but of course, you have to do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby. So, at 8:51, our little girl was born.

The above picture is Madeline and the below was Ella right after she was born. I think they look very similar and most people do but some others have mixed reviews.

I missed Ella so much but she did great at home switching between my Mom and Mike watching her. We didn't want her coming to see me the first day since I think the IVs would have scared her so she came on Friday. Meeting her new baby sister for the first time.

Not sure how this photo got out of place but anyway, here is a proud Daddy with his new little girl. Daddy is definitely outnumbered now, 3 girls, a girl dog and Daddy.

One of my biggest fears over the past 9 months was how Ella was going to react to the new baby. Would she be jealous, would she act out? Every scenario ran through my head but so far she has been so good. She loves baby Maddie so much and wants to hold her all the time and feed her the bottle. When she came to the hospital, we got a present from Madeline to Ella, a baby doll with a bottle that she can feed while Mommy is feeding her baby. It was a big hit!

I know there will be moments when she is jealous but so far, she has really handled it better than I could have ever imagined. And it helps that she has had lots of attention from
DeeDee, Papa and Daddy to keep her very busy.
DeeDee has been a HUGE help, I don't know what we do without her. She has watched Ella, cooked, cleaned and taken such good care of us.

Our first official family picture as a family of four!

We also had some visitors in the hospital, Karen, Jaime and Tracey came to see Maddie and shower her and Mommy with a couple gifts.

And Brooke and Michael brought us an amazing meal that was much needed after the hospital food. And I got to have my first glass of wine with them, it was fantastic.

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby?
Ok, maybe with these big blue eyes, there is something cuter.

On Saturday night, we got to come home. These little peanut is so tiny in her car seat.

We were greeted by Papa and
DeeDee and Papa quickly bonded with his 2
nd granddaughter.

The name Madeline comes from my great grandmother who I was fortunate to know and spend time with before she passed away. We really wanted Madeline to have a family significance in her name. Grace is just a name that Mike and I have always liked. We do plan on calling her Maddie or as Ella says "Baby Maddie." The one thing we were all shocked about was Maddie's full head of dark hair. After Ella being bald the first 18 months of her life, we were sure this one would be bald also and can't figure out where the dark hair comes from. Guess we will wait and see if it falls out and comes back lighter or stays dark.

Life at home with two is crazy and Maddie doesn't love sleeping flat on her back in the pack n pal so most nights, she ends up sleeping on me but hopefully over time, she will learn to embrace the crib.

For right now, we are soaking up these sweet sisterly bonding moments and just trying to stay afloat and sleep whenever we can.

We are just so grateful to have another healthy, beautiful girl.