Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One of those days

Monday was one of those days. You know those days that you wish you could just wave a magic wand and do over again. A day where you wish was just a bad dream. A day where you really earn your parenting stripes.

It started like most any other day. Wake up, dressed for school, eat breakfast, all going fine. We got on our jackets and were walking out the door. I would drop Ella off at preschool and then Maddie and I would head to the Y. Except we never made it to those places. We were walking out the door (on a flat floor) when Ella fell. Her hands were in her pockets and she didn't get them out in time to catch her fall so she fell directly on her chin. There was immediate shrieks and screams but Ella is a little clumsy and falls a lot so I didn't really think too much of it. But then I saw the blood, the blood all over the floor, on her jacket and coming from her chin. I quickly put Maddie down who was now crying also because Ella's loud screams were scaring her as well. But I had to get to Ella and stop the bleeding.  But I normally get light headed or pass out at the thought of blood or getting my blood taken so blood is not exactly my thing. But I got some towels to stop it and then I saw the large gash in her chin and I knew this was not an ordinary boo boo. I finally got the bleeding to slow and put two large band aids on it and loaded the girls in the car. I called the pediatrician and told them we were on the way and then called Mike and told him to meet us at the doctor.

Ella was pretty hysterical the entire way to the doctor, even though the band aids stopped most bleeding and we changed jackets but there was some blood on her shirt and tights. And we all know that Ella is not a girl that likes to be messy or dirty. We arrived to the doctor and they were amazing and took us back to a special treatment room. Mike came in shortly after that and we waited for the doctor. Since we didn't have an appointment, we had to wait awhile and everyone was getting anxious. Dr. Ankrah finally came in and determined that Ella would need stitches, four stitches to be exact. Ella was pretty good during the entire procedure considering she was a three year old getting stitches. They used a large needle to numb it (and by large, I mean really really large!) and since it was on her chin, the doctor wanted to make sure she got the stitches perfect so she needed Ella to be perfectly still while she did each one. Telling a three year old to be still while their face is being sewn up is hard but we finally got it.

We left the doctor's office with two new toys in hand and lots of dried tears but all fixed for the moment. Dr. Ankrah told us that stitches are a rite of passage and while we had hoped to skip this one, I guess with our clumsy girl, it was inevitable.

It was a long and trying day for all involved but our little girl was so tough and has been amazing since then. Not once complaining about it even though I am sure it sore. She couldn't wait to return to school today and show off her cool, blue stitches to her teachers and friends. We got back on Saturday to get them taken out and we are hoping that it goes a lot smoother then on Monday.

Showing off her new stitches and her new toy from the doctor, a new  flashlight! 
Back at home changing into new clothes
When you get stitches, you get to pick out whatever you want to wear and for this girl, it is a princess dress. So, she got to wear her favorite princess dress all day and I think it definitely helped.
So, yes, Monday was a day I wish I could rewind. Not to mention, once I got home, we had an incident with the laundry detergent spilling all over the floor. It was a day for the record books and one I will not soon forget but we all survived and I am super lucky to have such an amazing husband that dropped everything at work to come sit with me for close to 2 hours at the doctors and hold his little girls hand the entire time. Here's to hoping for much more boring days to come!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Off to Seabrook

Last weekend we headed down to Seabrook to spend the long weekend with some good friends for an extended birthday celebration. All week, it rained everyday in Charlotte so getting down to the beach and sunshine was so nice and it didn't hurt that it was 70 degrees on Sunday in January. I will take it! 

Every time we had gone down to the beach, we always take a group shot and this time was no exception. We added two cute little munchkins to the crew this time which made it even more fun. We had a gorgeous sunset for the picture and of course, Ella posing!
We stayed busy all weekend and spent as much time outside as we could. We brought down bikes and scooters and the kids loved riding around.
We headed to the marina for lunch
This little one is on the go lately. She is crawling all over the place and doesn't like to be confined for too long. She was so happy to be able to crawl all over the grassy field.
I mean come on, how cute are these girls? 7 little girls all ages 6 and under and sure to be BFFs for life (if their parents have anything to say about it!) The kids actually got along so well all weekend, shared toys, watched movies and just had so much fun playing together.
And she's off!
 Maddie got lots of love from everyone, She enjoyed hanging out on the deck in the sunshine as well.
Tracey and sweet Braelyn who is walking up a storm and hard to catch!
We had three amazing sunsets and this was our best attempt at a family picture, Maddie with her hands in her mouth and Ella in her pjs, oh well.
 Toasting to another fun day and great sunset!
 The guys all went fishing and low and behold caught three small sharks. Yes, I said sharks! I will think twice about swimming in that water next summer! Yikes!

 Soaking in the warm sunshine on the back deck
 Another night, another amazing view. This never gets old!
 Even the little ones enjoyed watching the sunsets and spotting the dolphins swimming in the water.
 Maddie is seriously the happiest baby (or least in my biased mind) and I love capturing all of her cute and smiley expressions!
 Check out those big blue eyes! Can you tell she was ready for bed? We all played so hard during the day and the kids crashed early and hard at night.
 The sun was shining all weekend, we had coronas in our hand and the kids were running on the beach in January. It really doesn't get better than that to spend your birthday weekend and we all had a blast. Can't wait to return back this spring/summer!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas in Review

There is simply too much to blog about from Christmas so I decided to let the pictures and video speak for themselves. As you can see it was a fun, busy, magical and special time. Ella was all into Santa this year and really got it which made it that much more fun. Enjoy the video and hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas with the ones you love!

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