Thursday, May 23, 2013

The best week

May is coming to a close and June is quickly approaching but before summer officially begins, I want to post about a great week I had. I have to admit, before becoming a Mom, I thought Mother's Day was a little over advertised by the card, flower and jewelry companies. I probably didn't give my own Mom enough love and pampering before (sorry Mom.) But since becoming a Mom, I adore this weekend. It is one I look forward to all year and Mike and the girls never disappoint.

It started mid week with a special muffins with moms at Ella's preschool. Mike gladly came from work to watch Maddie so I could focus on my oldest. Having one on one time with her is rare these days so I cherished every minute.
 They made us an invitation 2 weeks ahead of time inviting us to their class and everyday Ella asked if today was muffins with moms? Finally, after waiting and picking out her outfit 2 days in advance (it had to be a fancy dress!), it was time. She couldn't wait to show me around her class and what she does each morning as she arrives. After they welcomed the moms by singing us a special song, we sat at the table and enjoyed the muffins and fruit. They gave us special pins they had made with their picture on them and bulbs to plant as well.
 After eating, it was free time to do whatever we wanted. We read some books in the book nook, did some magnet letters and then finished up with some painting. She was showing me how she could paint a "S". When it was time for the moms to leave and the kids to stay, some got very sad and Ella got sad for a second but was fine. She adores school so much which makes this mama so happy. It was a great morning.
 That weekend was a gorgeous weekend and the first one in awhile where we could spend the entire weekend outside and not cooped up inside because of the rain.
 These two played on the swing set all morning long. Maddie LOVED playing in the top fort and Ella loved having a little playmate around her. Mike and I said to each other a dozen times that weekend how great it will be in a year or so when they can go outside and just play together without needing constant supervision like Maddie Grace does right now.
Peek a boo, where's Maddie Grace?
 We also planted an herb and vegetable garden that weekend. After completing the swing set, Mike was inspired to keep building so he built me this garden and we went to the nursery and bought lots of vegetables (3 different kinds of tomatoes, 2 different kinds of peppers, eggplant, cucumber, romaine lettuce, watermelon, basil, cilantro and mint.) He also got this water catcher to capture our rain water and that is what we water the garden with. He is turning so green in his old age. So far, we have a few peppers and tomatoes, we will see if we grow anything else.

 Mother's Day morning, I awoke to an amazing home cooked breakfast by Mike and Ella. Complete with waffles topped with nutella, strawberries and raspberries. It was delicious! After getting ready and playing a little outside, we went to the greenway in Charlotte.

Like I said, the weather was just perfect and we walked around for awhile before having a lunch at a nearby restaurant. When we got home, both girls took long naps and we enjoyed the quiet on the screened in porch. I think the quiet may have been the best gift of the weekend!
 Later that night, after more gifts (I told you they spoiled me rotten) and dinner, we had another great dessert made by Mike. Crepes filled with nutella (can you tell we love nutella?), and more fruit, whipped cream and powered sugar. It was definitely not low fat but oh so good!
 Being the Mom to these two munchkins is the absolute best and I am so grateful for them and their Daddy each and everyday.
And a special belated Mother's Day shoot out to my Mom (DeeDee) who was and still is my biggest fan and supporter in everything I do and such an amazing grandmother to my girls. Happy Mother's Day to  Mike's Mom (Grandma) who raised three incredible children and is adored by her 6 grandchildren and all of our grandmothers, Grammy, Grandma Ange, Bama and Grandma. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives and hope the day was special for each of you.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life lately

Warning, this post is packed full of pictures. I wish I could break it up between a couple but time is just flying by and I don't want to forget a minute or forget to document anything so here we go!

This spring has been wild here in Charlotte, one day hot and more springlike and another rainy and cold. This has definitely been the coldest spring we have had in awhile but when the sun does shine, you can find us outside. 
One of the most fun things about having two girls is dressing them alike! I like when they can wear coordinated or matching outfits and Ella absolutely LOVES matching Maddie and asks everyday to wear matching outfits!
 She also loves giving her little sister a "little", sometimes huge push on the swing. Good thing little sis is such a trooper.
 Most afternoons post naps, you can find us strolling around the neighborhood. When I walking, I saw these two sweet girls holding hands. Be still my beating heart...
 In the end of April, we headed down to Seabrook for a long weekend. We were hoping the end of April would be perfect beach weather, but mother nature didn't cooperate too much. It was a little colder and rainier than moral but at least, we were at the beach!

When we first arrived, she couldn't wait to get down to the beach even if it was about to storm.

Another amazing sunset
 Maddie Grace found some pretty hiding places at the beach house, the cabinets of course. DeeDee and Papa's house is not exactly baby proof so Maddie loved getting into all sorts of trouble.

 Basically, she loved everything about the beach! Climbing in cabinets, swinging, hanging out on the back deck and swimming which I don't have any pictures off but we went to the indoor pool everyday and both girls loved it.

 Of course, the afternoon w left, the clouds parted and the sun and warm weather came out, perfect timing.
 So we had to get down to the beach one last time and run around and play
 The water was FREEZING
This was 5 minutes into the drive home from the beach, I think someone had a good time and was worm out. 
 Ella's preschool has this great spring carnival every year and we went and had a great time as usual.

Look, we found Woody and Jessie!
 These two love their baths and "sometimes" can be the best of friends
 We have also been busy with Ella's non school activities. She is still in gymnastics and shockingly is getting more brave. She loves to hang on the bars and pull her feet up but she is still a little chicken and won't do a full flip yet. In her words "maybe when I am 4, I will flip."
 Our big sister is also still loving her soccer shots and when DeeDee and Papa went to Spain a long time ago, they got her an official jersey of one of Mike's favorite players. Ella loves wearing it and Daddy of two girls is so happy to see her in it. I think she thinks it is kind of like "dressing up" but she sure does look official in her jersey and cleats!

Dribbling through cones
Like mentioned several times before, Ella naps about 75% of the time but some days, she just has quiet time in her room. On those days, after MG wakes up from her nap, we still go strolling but this is usually how I find Ella, fast asleep.
Check out Maddie's devilish grin with the thumb in her mouth, oh I could just eat her up
 Last weekend, we got together with some friends for a Derby/Cinco de Mayo party. While the big kids were busy playing elsewhere, the next generation of trouble makers had fun playing together. There are all within 3 month of ear other.
From L to R: Libba - 16 months, Braelyn - 17 months, Maddie - 14 months
 This week was a big first, her first dentist appt! I have admittedly put it off longer than I maybe should have because we all know this chicken little is scared to death of doctors after her stitches so I was completely fearful of this visit but this girl rocked it. The pediatric dentist was so nice and gentle and Ella got x-rays and loved sitting in the cool red chair and watch cartoons.
 She was a little hesitant at a couple moments but overall, she did great and when we left, she asked if we could go back again tomorrow so I guess that's a good review. And I am happy because the dentist said her teeth looked great and he could tell she never sucked her thumb or pacifier because her teeth very perfectly straight! Score!
 Today was such a fun morning. I got to accompany Ella to school for muffins with moms in her class. She made me an invitation a couple weeks ago and has asked everyday if today was the day when I got to come with her. She picked out her own dress two days ago because she said "she needed to look extra fancy." This girl is soooooo girly!

One of my favorite pictures of the two of us
Ella couldn't wait to show me around her class and show off her painting skills. It does look like a nice snake though! 

We have been busy busy busy as always but having so much fun in the process. Not to get too deep but we know a little girl who is going through a hard time lately health wise and I am just so thankful that I have healthy and happy children. I know our friend is going to recover soon but it is just a reminder of all that we have to be thankful for in life. This mother's day weekend, I will be kissing and hugging my little ones a lot because they make my life fun, exciting, hectic, sometimes frustrating but always filled with love and I wouldn't change a thing. 
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