Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream

There is just something about birthdays that I love. And I love the parties just as much. Maybe it is because my parents always made my brothers and my birthdays so special and it makes me want to do the same for my girls.
And let's be honest, I love an excuse to have a party as well. I love finding a theme and carrying out the party around that. This year, ice cream!
A little trip down memory lane...
 Year One, "Whale of a party"
Still the best one year old eating cake I have ever seen
Year two, "monkey business" 
 Year 3 "Party in the Park"
 I thought a lot about what I wanted and after seeing an ice cream truck at a local summer camp, I thought it would be fun to have an ice cream party and surprise all the kids with an ice cream truck. I thought, mid August will be the perfect time for ice cream. Hot and sunny.

Well, not so much. When the weather forecast came out earlier last week, I couldn't believe it. It would be rainy which is no surprise since it has rained all summer but also cold. Like really cold. Like setting records cold. Not ideal at all for ice cream birthday parties. I have to admit that at first, I was bummed about it and wishing I could change the weather. But then, I got an email that changed my entire outlook and I am so grateful. We have a family friend, a little 3 year old girl named Libby Jones who is precious and beautiful and was diagnosed with leukemia this spring. She just received a bone marrow transplant a couple weeks ago and now will spend the next 3+ months in a hospital room recovering. She is doing better but it is a long road and I just happened to get an email update from her parents when I was feeling gloomy about the weather and I realized how silly that it. Libby would give anything to have a birthday party with all her friends and we are so lucky to have a healthy girl turning 4, it doesn't matter what the weather is. So I changed my attitude and yes it rained, it poured, it was cold and you know what, the kids had the best time and didn't mind it at all!
 Just like so many partied before, Uncle Court (and Ms Laura and DeeDee and Papa) made the journey up from Georgia to help celebrate the big day with the princess.
 The kids (all 23 of them, Ella couldn't leave anyone out!) gathered in the covered patio waiting for the ice cream truck to pull up in our driveway.
 Here he comes...
 "Buck" the ice cream man made Ella the star of his magic show. She was outfitted with a cape and hat (although she would have preferred to keep her princess tiara on!)
 Magician's assistant hard at work 
 The small wand just wasn't doing the trick, so Buck got Ella the really big wand and ta da...
 Oreo the bunny appeared. It was a little cheesy but four year olds ate it up and loved every minute of it.
 Next up, ice cream from the truck in the rain. Thanks Papa for holding the umbrella for all the kids.
 The princess birthday girl selected a "chocolate popsicle" or fudge bar for her special treat. 
 Of course little sister wanted in on the action as well. She ate about 2 bites of her popsicle before giving it up which was fine by Mommy, no ruined outfits is always a plus.
 One of Ella's main requests was a piñata and thanks to the internet, I was able to find one that actually matched Ella's dress. Much to Mike's dismay, in our house full of girls, we don't own a whiffle ball bat, so we borrowed one from our neighbors. I think I might see a whiffle ball bat under the Christmas tree this year.
Ella was up first giving it a try.
 The piñata was actually really hard to break and each child got several turns before Daddy finally broke it open, I mean the kids broke it open! It was wild once it finally hit the ground, candy and toys everywhere were all scooped up in 30 seconds.
 It was definitely a party packed with sugar! First ice cream, then candy from the piñata and next up cake, all before 1pm. I wanted to make sure all the kids had an intense sugar high and then send them home to their parents!
 Birthday girl's other request was that she wanted a princess cake, if you know her, this would be no surprise at all. This princess tiara and wand cake was perfect.
 Making a wish...
 lots of wishes...
 this is one happy birthday girl! 
 A little girl's 4th birthday party is usually full of all Moms but these guys came out to celebrate as well. They were all troopers!
 Ella with some of her best buddies waiting patiently for the cake to be cut
 "Mom, look what DeeDee lets me do? Eat cake sitting on the countertop!" That is what grandparents are for right, spoiling.
 I think the wait was worth it, eating up their cake, actually just the frosting but whatever.

It was such a fun party and I really can't believe my little Ella James who was only 6lbs when we brought her home from the hospital is now my big four year old. She is such a sweet, fun, energetic, very curious and something stubborn little girl. Her knowledge and what she picks up on truly amazes me everyday and I love that she keeps us on our toes each day. She loves her friends and family so much and always wants them around. But what I am most grateful for is that she is a happy and healthy girl and I could not love her anymore. Now, stop growing up so quickly princess.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Rewind

This is literally flying by! I wish I could do an individual post on many of these things we have done this summer but I just don't have the time and I don't want to forget anything so this post is jammed packed with photos and small stories.

Ella started swim lessons in June with our neighbor/babysitter and she is doing great. Anyone that knows Ella knows, she is more on the tentative side (scardy cat as we refer to her) but somehow Padgett was able to get Ella to jump off the side of the pool without a floatie the very first class. I will saw she has regressed a little and still doesn't love jumping off the side of the pool but she is doing a lot better swimming with just a kick board but still is most comfortable with her pink floatie!

 Venturing off the pool with two small kids and managing naps is no small feat so sometimes the easiest and most convenient thing is blowing up the pool and letting the girls play in the back yard. This particular day, Ella was playing life guard while Maddie played and splashed!
 This is where you can find us a lot of the time, outside playing on the swing set!
 There is a Ben and Jerry's around the corner from us and these two girls love some ice cream. And they get messy so it is usually straight up to baths after the trip.
 Lots of park trips and this little one is happiest in the swing, especially when you swing high (so so so different from her sister! She is going to be wild one for sure!)
 Long ago, when I just had one child, I would take Ella all the time to the children's museum. But with two kids, I hadn't been in a long time, not since Maddie is walking so I was a little hesitant going but they had an absolute blast! Mainly it was following Maddie all around but Ella was so excited that Maddie could do all the big kid things together.

Can you tell both of their parents worked/work for Bank of America. Checking out the bank teller!
 One of Ella's favorite shows right now is Doc McStuffins so she was ready to get to work and make this doll feel better.

 More park trips
 Naked spaghetti nights (also straight up to the bath after this as well!)
 It is funny how you can have two daughters and they can be so different. Ella loves stuffed animals and of course still has her "froggie", her love that she has been attached to from the beginning. But Maddie Grace, she hasn't taken to any lovie or stuffed animals. But recently, she discovered baby dolls and she loves her "baba" as she calls them. Hugs them, kisses them, pushes them around in her stroller, it is so cute to watch.

 Slip 'n Slide fun! (But won't happen again, tore up Mike's precious perfectly green grass!)
 In early summer, one of Ella's best buddies, Caroline had a spa birthday party and Ella had the best time! Dressing up, getting your nails and hair done and wearing tutus!

 Swimming with Caroline
Holding hands under water, these two are so sweet together!
Which one is bigger? Ella's head or the cotton candy? Ding ding, the cotton candy and she ate it all in about 3 minutes.
 Rocking Daddy's hat at the pool
 We had big hopes for a family bike ride...
 Started off strong...
 Lasted about 5 minutes before everyone was whining and we decided to just walk instead.
 Last Sunday, Daddy and Ella had a special day with Caroline and her Daddy. The dads took the girls to the pool first and then they rode along in the cart while the Dads played golf. I think it started off fun and then Mike described it as herding cats! But they had fun.
 She even got in on the action, but I don't think she is quite ready for the LPGA. Doesn't every golfer play in a pink dress? She is only going to play a sport where she can wear a dress so I guess tennis it is!
Whew!!! That was a lot of pictures and I am tired and I am sure you all are tired from reading and looking at them all. But that's a quick snapshot of some of our summer. We are off to the beach on Thursday for one of our two beach trips in August and of course, our big girl is turning 4 in one week. I mean, seriously, how is she 4 already??? So, hopefully I will get better about blogging and catch you all up on August soon. Enjoy the last month of summer, we plan to!
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