Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas 2013 so far...

As I sit here on December 23rd looking at all these pictures over the past month, I can't believe all we have done and it's not even Christmas yet. We have certainly packed it in but also had a blast doing it.

Our festivities kicked off with our annual tradition of eating at the Original Pancake House and then going to pick out our tree. Our girls can eat a lot of pancakes!
 Then we went across the street to pick out a tree. These two could care less about which tree we picked but they thought the tree lot was the best maze they have ever been to. They raced around the aisles playing hide and seek.

 They finally rested while the guys loaded the "perfect" tree on top of our car to head home. And by perfect, I mean Mike we forgot to water the tree a couple days after we got it and it has been slowing dying and dropping tons of needles everyday after that.
 Picking out a tree is hard work, so they came home and snuggled together on the couch. Since MG only sits for about 5 seconds at a time these days, this is a very rare picture in our home.
Hello blue eyed babes!
 We just adore our church and have done several activities there this holiday season. One Saturday morning, Ella and got dressed up and went to have breakfast with Mary and make manger characters. It is actually a three year project so this year we made a shepherd, sheep and angel and the next two years, we will finish the scene.
 After crafting, all the kids came up to the stage to hear the story of Mary and sing carols.
  Ella has been talking about visiting Santa for about 6 months now and we were lucky enough to get invited to a house where Santa was visiting. I am so glad we didn't have to mess with the mall and all the crowds, this was definitely more intimate. 

As a side note, Ella's class has a class pet that each child gets to take home for one weekend. At the end of the weekend, you post all the pictures that the children did with Whiskers. Well, we were lucky enough to get him this particular weekend so Whiskers got to visit with Santa as well.
Ella told Santa what she wanted, "An American Girl Doll" and Santa replied "Well I think you have been a very good girl and will get that." Ummm. thanks Santa, you caused some major stress around this doll. 

Next up was a sister shot, yeah, that did not go so well. Last year, Maddie could have cared less about being on Santa's lap and she is my little happy outgoing child but she wanted nothing to do with Santa. I mean, look at her beat red face and her belly hanging out because Santa could barely hold her. Oh well, better luck next year.
 Some pictures in front of the tree

 We also hosted Ella's sweet preschool class at our house for a gingerbread man decorating party. Last year, we did the entire house and that was way too much work (for the parents assembling them) so we kept it simple this year and just did cookies and it was great.

 Also, at church, they have a children's program every year. Every child is encouraged to dress up like their favorite manger character. Last year, Ella didn't want to dress up and go up front but this year, she couldn't wait to dress up like an angel. It was actually perfect because we already had the wings and dress and our neighbor gave us the gold strong for the halo, very easy and simple costume.

 When they called up the angels, she walked confidently up there for the entire program.
 I just love these sweet pictures of her watching and praying. The church's professional photographer even caught a sweet picture of her and she was on the front page of the church's website. This event is definitely one of our favorites all season long.
Last week, both girls had their class parties at preschool. Unfortunately, I didn't any cute pics from MG's class. 8 little 1 and 2 year olds do not sit and pose for pictures but I got some cute ones from E's class. They decorated cookies (can you tell we have eaten a lot of sugar lately?!?!) and sang us 4 songs. Ella had been practicing them for weeks and knew each word and belted it out.
 Ella and one of her best buddies Caroline

 Meeting Daddy for lunch and watching the singing bears, another annual tradition
 How many times can I use the word "annual" in a post?? Apparently a lot and here it is again. Our annual neighbor (old neighbors) brunch and book exchange. We have been going since Ella was 15 months old and now 3 years later, the kids are a lot bigger and there are a lot little siblings.
 After the brunch, Ella's bff since they were 1 month old, Wesley came over to have a playdate. The big girls decided they wanted to pose and guess who naturally knew exactly what to do, hands on the hip and pose. Not even two and already working it. We are in TROUBLE!!
 This is blurry but caught these two walking out of church holding hands yesterday, I hope they always love each other this much.
 And Buddy the Elf came back from the North Pole and has been keeping tabs on the girls. I am surprised how much Maddie had loved him also and searches for him every morning along with Ella.
Working on a puzzle!

Reading books with some friends
So, now we are two days away from the big guy's arrival and we can't wait. I know it sounds so cliche but seeing holidays through your children's eyes is truly amazing. It will just be the four of us Christmas Eve and Christmas morning and then after opening presents, we will head down to Seabrook to see DeeDee, Papa, Uncle Court and Ms Laura. And then we are exited to see Grandma and Grandpa right after New Years. 

Merry Christmas to you and all yours. We have been truly blessed in 2013 and can't wait to see what 2014 will bring as well. XOXO

Friday, December 6, 2013

Fall in Review

I can't believe it is December already! I wrote in my last blog I was going to be better at blogging but this fall was just busy and I know the holidays are going to be even busier so this post will be a lot of pictures and not many words but I need to start catching up somewhere.

Ella played soccer this fall and while she was no Mia Hamm, she did enjoy it and it was very cute to watch them each Saturday morning running around.
 We went to Atlanta and Big Canoe for my Mom's birthday. My dad surprised Ella with front row seats to see Disney on Ice. They had a blast and now Ella always want to sit in the front row, spoiled.

 At the apple festival

 We had such a fun weekend in the mountains and the weather was amazing

First day wearing pigtails
Pumpkin Patch Fun

"I found one just my size"

 Sophia the First princess and Ladybug for Halloween

Our neighborhood Halloween parade

Trick or treating with our buddy Ellie, both princesses
Leaf jumping!

Daddy's with Donuts day at school

I was the mystery reader in Ella's class and then stayed for playground time. We had a blast playing together!

My friend Karen's birthday included a spa day for the girls, it was AMAZING!

Our old neighborhood got together for our 3rd annual friends Thanksgiving a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. There are lot of kiddos now, 12 in total!
Maddie Grace and Braelyn

DeeDee, Papa and Uncle Court came up to Charlotte for our Thanksgiving. The table right before dinner
 We took Ella to see the movie Frozen Thanksgiving weekend. There were some scary parts for her but the popcorn made up for it!
 On Veteran's Day, Mike had the day off work and the girls had off preschool so we drove to the columbia zoo. The girls loved it and had the best time, we will be back soon.
Check out the huge gorilla in the background


massive turtles
Well hello mr giraffe

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