but we haven't slowed down and neither has the heat! It is in the low 90's and less humid which is nice but it is still pretty hot down here. I am really looking forward to some cooler temperatures after this hot, hot summer! And we are still staying very busy and on the go! Last weekend, we had an adult night at the Jack Johnson concert. We went with our good friends and neighbors and had the best time! Jack put on such a good show and played for over 2 hours, definitely worth every penny and even the headache the next morning!

The six of us hanging out on the lawn waiting for the concert to begin.

Ella stayed home with the babysitter and it was great to get out! But we are sad that our favorite babysitter just told us she is moving to Boston:( We will miss her and if anyone else in Charlotte knows of a good one, let me know.

The Hummell's, our good friends and neighbors and parents to Ella's BFF, Wesley. They had just returned from a week at the beach, hence the tan.

Our next door neighbors and friends, the Flett's. They are die hard Jack fans and have seen him every time he has toured.

The girls (after a mini rain shower that only lasted about 5 minutes and cooled us way down!)

And the guys, Adam, don't look so surprised!

Jack rocking out

We had a full moon that night, definitely a sign of a good time!

Last weekend we had a fun time hanging out and running errands. On the weekends, Daddy gets up with Ella in the morning and usually dresses her. Sometimes there is no telling what she will be wearing but last weekend, he decided she needed to look like a little golfer so he dressed her in the onesie we got for her from a golf course and some shorts. She definitely looked like she was ready to hit the links with her Daddy and be his caddy!

And he was saved the other day because Ella receieved a special package in the mail from Grandma! She made Ella a new outfit that was so adorable we had to put her in it right away. I think by Ella's smile, she loved it also!
Ella is so close to walking! I mean so close! She took her first step right around her birthday and it seems like each day she is gaining more and more confidence and taking more steps but she hasn't gone all the way yet and given up crawling. She will take 4-8 steps at a time and will either fall on her behind and start crawling or fall into her destination (usually Mommy or Daddy!). Here she is after she stood up on her own and she is thinking about it...

and she is off, taking a couple steps (not letting go of her Elmo remote of course!)

And right before she fell and decided crawling is so much easier! I know one day soon, I will look over and she will be walking and not looking back. She is tentative in everything she does and wants to be perfect before she does it!

Finally, we took a little walk Sunday evening and Ella was loving being her Daddy's arms.

And Daddy was loving stealing some kisses from his little girl. A perfect ending to a great weekend! A special birthday shout out to Ella's Papa, my Dad who's birthday is today! We can't wait to celebrate with him and everyone else soon! We leave on Saturday for vacation at one of our favorite spots, Seabrook! Let's hope the hurricanes stay far far away.
She's gonna start walking all over the place and she and Dakota will be up to no good together!!!! She's so freaking cute. Have fun in SB and I'll see you over NYE weekend. I think my mom booked some huge arse house that we'll be sharing with the Hiscocks this year. I'm looking forward to a nice long week of time off. The most I've taken this year was 2-days off in a row for Mashley's wedding!!!!