At 14 months, you are started to get more picky about your food. When you first started eating solids, you ate anything and everything I put in front of you. Now, you seem to put things (mostly green vegetables, how do kids already know??) in your mouth and then immediately spit it out and drop it down to your other best buddy, Dakota. You love all fruit, bananas, strawberries, grapes, apples anything sweet of course but with the exception of broccoli and corn, you won't touch your veggies. Mom is going to have to get creative and start "sneaking" them into things!
Also, at 14 months, you have finally given up your sleep sack completely. You were a baby that loved to be swaddled and then went directly to your sleep sack but I am happy to report, you are finally sleeping in your just your jammies! You also love for Mom and Dad to read you Goodnight Moon before bed, pointing to everything on the pages. Bedtime is our favorite because you are smelling so sweet after your bath and you are so cuddly in your jammies (especially your Halloween ones from Grandma) and just love to cuddle up. You are definitely becoming more and more of a cuddler as you are getting older also.
And finally at 14 months, you are starting to say more and more words. Of course Dada was first and that is still your favorite but you say "Daddy" more now. When I am lucky, I will get a Mama sometimes. You saying any word that starts with a D, doggie of course and all the time, duckie when we are taking a bath, DeeDee when we see her also. You also have been saying "night night" and pointing to your crib at night before bed, bye bye all the time and waving both of your hands and ball for Dakota's tennis ball and your most recent trick you learned this week, now when we say "what does a ghost say?" you respond with a "Boooooo". It is so much fun to see you start soaking everything in and learn so much more each day and I can't to see what I will be blogging about in a year from now and how big you will have grown. Thanks for always making us laugh and smile with your adorable (and occasionally stubborn) personality little Ella James!
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