Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What does a bunny do??

In our neighborhood, we have lots of rabbits and bunnies that usually Dakota chases after so it is not rare to see them and lately Ella is really into animals and the noises they make and what they do. So, with Easter coming up quickly, our favorite animal is the bunny and whenever we see them, Ella says "bunny bunny" and while I am holding onto Dakota for dear life on the leash so she doesn't rip my arm off, I say and what does a bunny do? And right on cue, she replies, "hop hop hop." So, we were so excited for Sunday and the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt with a big bunny to hop around!

Before the Hunt, we went to church for Palm Sunday. Ella stayed in the nursery while Mike and I enjoyed the service and I hope she likes it because Ella will be attending preschool there in the fall. It is just 2 mornings a week but I think she will enjoy it.
After church and some lunch, we were on our way. It is only about a mile from our house but since the hunt started close to Ella's naptime, we wanted to drive so we could have a quick getaway in case things headed south. As you can she, she was excited for her big hunt and to carry around her basket.

The hunt was held at this historic home that has since been converted into an Inn and Conference Center where they hold lots of events and weddings. It is overflowing with flowers and bushes and they were all in full bloom and it was gorgeous.

I think someone is excited to get started and find lots of "eggies."

And the grand marshall of the event, the Easter Bunny, kicked off the event and then we were off. Of course, miss shy girl was cautious at first, just checking everything out.

But then she got the hang of it and realized you were supposed to pick up and keep the eggs. Getting her first egg!

Oh wow, there are eggs everywhere, this is really fun Mom!

And then Dad and Mom switched camera and hunting duty so Dad could help spot some eggs.

Quick mid point break to check out all the goodies we have collected, she was very fascinated by all these colorful eggs that rattled with something inside.

And we are off again to find and collect more eggs. Where to look, where to look?

There are a lot of kids this way, maybe I will follow them to see if it will lead me to find anymore.

Quick pose in front of the pretty flowers so my Mom and Dad will stop nagging me about taking a picture.

Ok, you got your one picture, I am out of here find more eggs and candy.

Me and my little bunny.

And I think that's a wrap folks, and I only had to trip 2 kids and throw 1 elbow on my pursuit to collect the most eggs possible! (Obviously I am kidding, no one was hurt in the making of Ella's egg hunt.)

Before the hunt started, Mr Easter Bunny himself came out on the porch to say hello and start the hunt and Ella was obsessed! The entire time while she was getting eggs, she kept saying, "bunny bunny" and was pointing toward the house. So, after we got the eggs, we waited in line to see Mr E.B. himself.

Now, this is the little girl who is terrified of strangers and don't even mention Santa Claus so I was really hesitant but she was so excited. Even trying to cut the line to run up immediately to see the Easter Bunny. Here we are in line, finally made it to the front, things are looking good... And then when she got close and realized how big he was, she freaked out. She literally clamped onto my arms with the jaws of life and was not letting go for anything. We tried to even stand next to the bunny but she didn't want any part of that so I guess she is like her Mommy and a little terrified of dressed up characters.

And of course as soon as we walked away, Ella turned and said "bunny" with the biggest smile like she wanted to go see him again. I don't think so little one, not going back in that line again. Maybe next year when you are a little older and less scared.

But it was such a fun day and the weather could not have been more beautiful and it is so cute to see Ella start growing up and be able to participate in these rites of passage. And maybe one day she will sit on the Easter Bunny's lap.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww. I love the Easter egg hunts with the little ones. My youngest nephew is about her age and he is so excited about his big boy basket! Can't wait to see him hunting for his eggs this afternoon.


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