Thursday, January 19, 2012

Birthday Celebrations & Progress

I apologize for the lack of pictures in this post. We had a fun and busy weekend and I guess I am the one who takes most of the pictures but I was too busy celebrating so we didn't take any pictures. Mike did a great job to plan a fun weekend despite the fact I am 35 weeks pregnant and nothing gets too wild and crazy these days. Friday night, we had a rare date night at a great Italian restaurant we haven't been to in awhile and it was delicious. Saturday afternoon and evening, Mike invited a couple friends over to celebrate, watch football and eat yummy food. And he got the most amazing cake so even though I can't indulge in wine on this birthday, cake is the next best thing. Unfortunately, we all woke up Sunday feeling a little under the weather with colds so we laid low. Monday, my actual birthday, I was lucky enough to have Mike home since it was MLK and he had the day off. Ella and Mike made me waffles in the morning and spoiled me all day letting me relax. And even though there aren't many pictures on this post, rest assured, there will be many more in the future because Mike got new a new SLR camera and I am so excited to experiment with it and try it out.

We also had a special visitor on Tuesday, DeeDee came up to help the birthday celebration continue and also see Miss Ella. We had a fun visit and got some things we need for the new baby checked off the list. It's hard to believe that the next time we will see DeeDee, there will be a new baby.

Finally, the below two pictures bring a big smile to my face. The process of moving Ella into a new room and bed were hard. There were 3-4 nights of no sleep, lots of tears but finally, finally we had a breakthrough. We did some research on tips for keeping kids in their beds and sleeping and luckily, they worked!
I am happy to report that bedtime and nap time has gone a lot more smoothly and sleeping has resumed in the Hennessy household. In fact, on Saturday, she napped so hard I had to wake her up but before I did, I had to get a few pictures of her sleeping in her new bed.
She loves her froggie so much, it is always right next to her when she sleeps. I have to admit, I was ready to throw in the towel and give up with the bed transition but thanks to Mike who convinced me to stick it out a couple more nights and it finally sunk in with her.

Thanks to Mike, my friends and family for making my birthday weekend special!

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