Thursday, March 22, 2012

Luck of the Irish

We have been so fortunate to have so many friends and family come visit us and help us since Maddie has been born. Last week, Grandma and Grandpa made the trip down from Pennsylvania and we had a great visit with them. It was grew to have the extra hands to stay with Maddie while I took Ella to and from school or someone to help Ella when I was with Maddie. They were very excited to meet this little one for the first time.
Love the face of a sleeping baby (or a sleeping toddler for that matter!)
We were able to spend this little one's first St Patty's Day with her Irish grandparents! Thanks for the cute little outfit Grandma and Grandpa.
Before we went to the parade in downtown Charlotte, we went to watch Ella's swim lesson. I signed her up to take swim lessons with Daddy on Saturday mornings for a fun father/daughter activity and we all went to watch them.
She hasn't quite mastered her flip turns yet but she is sure having fun.
After the lesson, Daddy and Ella put on their green and we headed to watch the parade. We got there a little late and so we didn't have the best view but it's always a good view from up above.
In true Ella fashion, we finally found our friends who had a front row view and sat down to watch the parade. I think maybe one float went by when she turned to me and said, "I have to go potty" so luckily Daddy's office was close by and he took her up to go and she even got to hang out at Daddy's desk and see where he works everyday. Future banker in training.
This little cutie slept through the entire thing, I guess all the people and commotion just knocked her out. She is finally big enough for the Baby Bjorn and it is already a savior. She loves to be held so having my arms free is a huge help when it comes to dinnertime or just getting anything done.
A rare family of four photo. Of course you can't see Madeline's face but at this point, we will take what we can get.
Grandma spending time with her newest grandbaby.
While Grandma and Grandpa were visiting, they also took a picture of the four of us. This was right after nap time so we all look a little tired but are happy to have some pictures to remember this busy time.
Big sis with her Daddy
Miss Maddie continues to grow bigger and bigger each day and is generally such a good baby. She actually turned 1 month today and we had her well visit at the doctor. She now weighs 8lbs, 8oz (38% percentile) and measures 21 3/4 inches long (75%). Dr. Ankrah was very impressed that she grew 1lb 10oz in a month, especially after she lost so much weight after she was born and we had to keep going back to the dr for weight checks.
I can't say we have a formal routine yet but it is getting much better each day. We moved her into her crib around 2 weeks and we have already been spoiled by her. I feed her and usually put her down between 10-11 and she typically sleeps between 5-6 hours and will wake around 3 or 4am to eat and then will go back to sleep until about 7am. Only waking up once in the middle of the night to feed her has been amazing! She does have some fussy time in the evening, usually around bath and bedtime for Ella so it can sometimes be challenging but she is starting to embrace her swing so hopefully that will be a help in trying to juggle both girls.
This week was particularly hard as Ella became sick. What at first was just diagnosed as bad allergies, which have been awful this spring in Charlotte, then turned into something more. Tuesday night, Ella was up most of the night with a fever and saying her ears hurt so after another call to the doctor, we got some antibiotics which helped a lot. One morning I went in to wake her up and this is how I found her sleeping. Doesn't look comfortable to me but since I had a hard time waking her, I guess she was comfortable.
The only saving grace this week was that my Mom came up to visit and help us. When Ella was so sick, she only wanted me 100% of the time so it was great that my Mom could take care of Maddie so I could give Ella all the love and attention she needed. Ella was pretty cranky and didn't want to eat anything but somehow DeeDee always know how to cheer her up. After Ella woke up from her nap, DeeDee surprised her with frosting and cookies and suddenly she was in a better mood! Not sure if she got more in her mouth or her face!
DeeDee spending quality time with her newest grandbaby.
Ella wasn't really into taking pictures so this was the best we could get, not looking at the camera and half smile.
I think DeeDee has the magic touch with both granddaughters, cheering up Ella and getting a smile out of Maddie. Thanks DeeDee for coming up and saving the day again.
Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures but our friends Amy and Jason and their adorable daughter Abby came to visit us as well for a night. They were in Richmond for a wedding (that we had to miss unfortunately) but then drove down to see us before heading back to Texas. It was great to see them and Ella had a blast playing with Abby who just turned one. I think Ella liked being the big kid and being in charge.

Can't believe a month has already gone by, in some ways it feels like the blink of an eye and some ways (especially at 3am when I am fighting to keep my eyes open during a feeding) it feels like much longer. Next week will be the first full week we haven't had anyone coming to help so hopefully it will go smoothly or maybe I should just hope for not too much chaos. We are looking forward to a low key weekend with lots of sleep! Happy Spring everyone!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 1/2 years later...

and she finally has her first haircut. The little girl who was bald until she was 18 months old and really couldn't wear a bow until she was close to two and as much as I fought it, I knew it was time to give in and get her a haircut. I mean really, look at the pictures below.
It was seriously out of control but if she let me put a bow in and a ponytail, it looked ok but mostly she still takes out her bows and then the bangs fall right in her eyes. After she wakes up in the morning or from a nap, the hair was too much and these days we are all about simplifying and making things easier. So, last Friday, Ella and Mommy had a special trip planned to pigtails and crewcuts for a haircut and then Chick-fila for lunch, what could be better.
She picked her "chair", the yellow taxi and climbed up in her cute smock all set.
She wasn't too fond of the squirt bottle to get her hair wet but she sat so quietly and did exactly as the hairdresser said making sure to hold on tightly to the steering wheel.
As I watched her in the mirror sitting so still as they sectioned her hair and trim it, I couldn't help but think of how grown she seems all of the sudden. Not our baby anymore but turning into such a little girl with such a big personality.
And here she is after the final product, the bangs trimmed so they won't fall in her eyes and shaped up so she doesn't look like she has a mullet anymore. The big bonus of the haircut, she got a blue lollipop and a new beaded necklace.
One final picture as we headed to Chick-fila, complete with the bow. So, it only took 2 1/2 years but finally her hair was long enough for her first trim and the trip was a major success. No tears (for either of us) like I feared, just a cuter more grown up look.
I have a feeling we won't be waiting that long for Maddie's first haircut, it may come in a month or two!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life with 2 kiddos

Life with two is craziness and chaotic at the moment. I swear it takes us a good hour if we want to go anywhere and we have forgotten something every time we have left the house. Luckily, we have had help along the way. My mom was here for a week and was a huge help, we were all sad when she left on Friday. But Uncle Court came up to play on Saturday and Sunday and kept Ella very entertained. And we are lucky that Mike is still off of work to help out with everything. But in the midst of chaos, we have had some really fun and sweet moments as well. Today while Mike was picking up Ella from preschool, I was able to have a mini photo shoot with Miss Maddie Grace. I am still loving my new camera but know I still have a lot to learn.

Awake in the beginning but getting very sleepy...
Check out my big yawn.

And after an outfit change, it was getting chilly, she is out.
Check out all my wild hair!
Tiny feet.

These below were taken a few days ago when she was snoozing on the couch and making some hilarious faces.

These two little ones are most definitely Daddy's little girls.
One thing that melts my heart all the time is the love that Ella has for Maddie. She wants to hold her all the time and whenever she is crying or upset, she will come over and say "it's ok baby maddie" and "shhh." She always calls her "Baby Maddie", or sometimes Maddie Grace. She kisses the top of her head all the time and has been really good with her. She has had moments of wanting Mommy when I am with Maddie but never acted out towards Maddie. You can tell how proud she is by the pictures below.

We had a fun visit with Uncle Court. However, getting Ella and a baby to look at the camera is impossible so this is the best we could get. Ella was very excited to play with Uncle Court and loved all the princess gifts he brought for her.
It was a chilly on Sunday but we bundled up and headed to play at the park with Ella's new Rapunzel bubbles. Here she is trying to catch the bubbles.

Maddie continues to do well and we got a great report from the doctor on Monday. After going twice last week and her not meeting weight checks, she gained 7 oz. in 4 days and now weighs 7lbs, 1oz. Luckily that means she is above her birth weight and doesn't have to go back to the doctor anymore for weight checks. She is still sleeping a lot (currently napping on me while I type this, hey, you have to multitask with 2!) but is starting to wake up around dinnertime each night and have a little bit of fussy time before she settles down and goes to sleep for the night. She is still sleeping in our room in the pack n play and is sleeping about 3.5-4 hours at a time. Overall though she is a really good baby but she is only 12 days old so I know that could all change quickly but I hope not. Hope you enjoyed all the pictures! Happy March!
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