Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 1/2 years later...

and she finally has her first haircut. The little girl who was bald until she was 18 months old and really couldn't wear a bow until she was close to two and as much as I fought it, I knew it was time to give in and get her a haircut. I mean really, look at the pictures below.
It was seriously out of control but if she let me put a bow in and a ponytail, it looked ok but mostly she still takes out her bows and then the bangs fall right in her eyes. After she wakes up in the morning or from a nap, the hair was too much and these days we are all about simplifying and making things easier. So, last Friday, Ella and Mommy had a special trip planned to pigtails and crewcuts for a haircut and then Chick-fila for lunch, what could be better.
She picked her "chair", the yellow taxi and climbed up in her cute smock all set.
She wasn't too fond of the squirt bottle to get her hair wet but she sat so quietly and did exactly as the hairdresser said making sure to hold on tightly to the steering wheel.
As I watched her in the mirror sitting so still as they sectioned her hair and trim it, I couldn't help but think of how grown she seems all of the sudden. Not our baby anymore but turning into such a little girl with such a big personality.
And here she is after the final product, the bangs trimmed so they won't fall in her eyes and shaped up so she doesn't look like she has a mullet anymore. The big bonus of the haircut, she got a blue lollipop and a new beaded necklace.
One final picture as we headed to Chick-fila, complete with the bow. So, it only took 2 1/2 years but finally her hair was long enough for her first trim and the trip was a major success. No tears (for either of us) like I feared, just a cuter more grown up look.
I have a feeling we won't be waiting that long for Maddie's first haircut, it may come in a month or two!

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