Monday, March 18, 2013

Our littlest peanut

We had Maddie's 12 month appointment right after her birthday and I want to make sure I record it all before I forget. Our little one continues to be a small, petite little thing as Dr Ankrah said. 
Her stats:
17lbs, 14 oz, (5% percentile for weight)
28.5 inches (25-30% percentile for height)

To compare, Ella was a little over 20lbs and 31 inches tall at 12 months ago so little sister continues to be little sister. In fact, Dr Ankrah said she would not be surprised if she actually dropped below the charts at her 18 month appt since she will be active in the next 6 months and is also off formula but she said that is completely fine and not to worry, she will start making it up for it soon.

You would never know she was small on the charts during a meal though because our little one LOVES food! She is so happy to be eating everything we eat. She got the clear to eat peanut butter, honey, eggs, strawberries, etc and she has loved almost every food she has had. So far, the only foods we have discovered she doesn't like are peas and watermelon. She loves carbs, pizza, meat, pasta, cereal, all fruits, getting better about veggies and is loving broccoli more and corn. I would say her most favorites foods right now are bread, avocados and grapes. 

We went cold turkey and stopped all bottles right after her birthday. She does great with the sippy cup with water but so far, she hates milk in her cup. She takes a sip hoping it is water and then makes this face like she choking and tries to spit it out. So, I sneak milk in her oatmeal in the morning and she eats a lot of cheese and yogurt to make up for the dairy but I am hoping she will start to like it more soon. I already have one who refuses to drink milk so I was hoping MG would be better.

She is all over the place but not quite walking yet. She is a really fast crawler and is pulling up and cruising on everything. She will walk a little bit with her push toy and walk holding onto to us but hasn't taken that first step yet. I used to think I didn't want her walking and have two to chase after yet but with the weather warmer and us going outside and to the park more, I am ready for her to be walking and not crawling around in the mud.

She is still a great sleeper and we are working on moving her from 2 to 1 naps a day. I would say 75% of the time, she is only napping once a day but that other 25% she wants/needs two naps. At night, she sleeps 12-13 hours from 7:30-8/8:30. (I know, I am lucky!) She doesn't sleep with a lovie but sucks her thumb whenever she is sleepy or to soothe.

She is the sweetest little thing ever! I know I say it a lot but she has a really laid back personality and like most second children goes with the flow so much easier than the first. She lights up when you come pick her up after a nap and especially when her Daddy comes home after work. She is getting some stranger anxiety but mostly just with men. She adores her sister and will always give Ella the biggest smiles or laughs, even when Ella is tackling hugging her. She does "more" and "all done" sign language and says Mama, Dada, dah dah (Dakota/doggie), and Ella but sounds more like "elwa"

Now onto pictures!

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