Friday, August 15, 2014


On Wednesday, Ella James turned 5 years old! One whole hand according to her. I honestly can't believe that my little buddy is five years old. Where did the time go? I have heard a great quote that I have used before saying, "the days are long but the years are short" and it is so very true. Some days are very long but then I look back and can't believe that my baby, the one that first made me a mommy is already 5.

We had such a fun day though and celebrated all things girly and Ella. In the morning, we had a special treat and Daddy went in late to work so we could all have a pancake breakfast together. 
 And not just pancakes but pancakes on new Elsa plates with new Frozen water bottle and cup! It was just the start to many many Frozen things to come.Then, Ella went to her dance camp she did this week in the mornings and Wednesday just happened to be Frozen day! How perfect for our Frozen princess. 
 After camp and Maddie's nap, we went to swim lessons and she is doing so great, I am shocked at the transformation. She swam the entire length of the pool on Wednesday on her own and was using actual strokes and not doggie paddling anymore. She has come a long way. After the pool, we asked her where she wanted to go to dinner and she requested pizza at Hawthorne's, just like last year (Daddy has trained her well.) After pizza, all the waiters came out and sang happy birthday to her and gave her ice cream.

 They didn't forget little sister either!
 No trip to Hawthorne's is complete without Daddy trying to win the girls something from the claw and he didn't let them down. We came home with a stuffed duck and gingerbread man (so random) but the girls loved them.
 Back at home, it was present time. It was hard for Maddie to understand that she couldn't open them also but Ella was very patient with her.
Note to self: get in some pictures. This is the 4th picture of Mike and there aren't any of me from this day. I need to get in some more pictures. Ok, back to the post.)
 She did get one arts and craft gift from Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ben that she loved but everything else was...
 FROZEN! Shocking I know that a 5 year old girl wants frozen stuff and Elsa stuff to be more exact. Well, she hit the jackpot big time. She got the Elsa dress, shoes, doll, beach towel, nightgown, tea set, nail polish and even underwear. This girl was on cloud 9 and immediately put on the dress and shoes.
 Even though we had ice cream at Hawthorne's, we still had to celebrate with cake, Gigi's cupcakes and they were amazing!
 Make a wish sweet girl, we love you to the moon and back and infinity and beyond.
Ella at 5:
-I have said it before and I will say it again, I don't know what I did right in my life to deserve this special lady but I sure love her a lot. She is my best buddy right now and so much fun to be around. Truly, I would do anything with her and have fun, even running errands (now her sister on the other hand, hmmm)
-4 was my absolute favorite age so far and I am hoping 5 stays the same
-Ella is sweet, loving and so caring. She is very aware and empathetic of others and their feelings which is such a gift to have at such a young age
-She wants to make sure everyone is happy and included at all time
-She loves to draw and color, mostly hearts. I have about 50 heart pictures she has drawn me this week alone
-She adores Maddie Grace and wants to help her out or play with her all the time, it is so special so see their relationship develop.
-She is all GIRL. She loves princesses, pretty dresses, ballet and pretty much anything pink
-Our only fights are about clothes. She wants to wear a long fancy dress everyday of the week and sometimes you just need some play clothes too.
-She loves school and I am so grateful that she will have another year of TK (transitional kindergarten) at her preschool before going to Kindergarten next year.
-She is a really good eater as long as the food is plain. She prefers plain food but will eat most everything I make. Her favorites are pizza, pasta, tacos, Parmesan cheese, edamame, broccoli, bananas, grapes and strawberries. And she loves her sweets also, her favorite is probably ice cream.
-She isn't napping anymore but has quiet time in her room everyday where she colors or plays with her leap pad and every blue moon, she will fall asleep during this time.
-On the weekends, she has special morning time with Daddy. They always wake up before Mommy and Maddie so they come downstairs and play games or color and it is Mike's favorite time of the week.
-I wouldn't say she is a momma's or daddy's girl, she goes through certain times when she wants one or the other but she is happy to be with either.
-I could go on and on about my little big one but I will stop at that. Just know that she is such a joy to be around and we love her so much!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl, I could have never imagined 5 years ago how much my life would change when you came into this world and over those years, you have taught me so much about life, love, patience, responsibility and I am forever grateful.

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