Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Healthy Baby

We went to the doctor last week for Ella's 6 month appointment and she is doing great!! She weighs 17lbs, 3oz and is 27.5 inches long. She is still in the 96% for height for almost 70% for weight so as the doctor said, she likes her food!! Ella had a great time playing with the paper on the doctor's exam table and entertaining Dr. Ankrah and the nurses, that is until it came time for her shots. She did well though and unlike her 4 month shots, she didn't seem to have any lingering effects.
She can now start eating more and more foods and will eat them 3 times a day! She tried some cheerios and she immediately made a gagging sound and spit it out but we tried again with the puffs and she seemed unsure at first but now loves them. (That is when she actually eats them and doesn't throw them on the ground for Dakota to eat!) She also tried a "cookie" for the first time and LOVED it right away. She made the biggest mess but she was happy.
We finally had a beautiful weekend with warm weather so we enjoyed lots of time outside playing and on walks. I can't wait until the warm weather is here to stay permanently.
Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Halfway to One

Ella turned 6 months old on Saturday! I can't believe how fast this 6 months has passed and how much our little peanut has grown and changed! I wanted to post a picture of her just minutes after she was born to see how much she has grown! We head to her pediatrician tomorrow and I can't wait to see how big she is! Our little one definitely likes her solid food:)

We have been so busy with lots of fun parties and events here in Charlotte and trying to keep busy with this awful weather we have been having. Ella even got to experience her second snow storm last weekend but luckily this time it melted much more quickly than last time. We all can't wait for spring to arrive.

Look how much I have grown in 6 months! We went to a Valentine's party with the neighbors and Ella made a special Valentine for her Dad!

Tonight we had a Fat Tuesday dinner and Ella and Wesley were hanging out together. I think they were discussing what they are going to give up for lent! As you can see, Ella can now sit up all on her own!

Ella also got to experience her first hockey game. We were lucky enough to be invited into a suite and the Checkers mascot even came to visit. I don't think Ella was too impressed though, she was more into the game.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ella's Baptism Weekend

What an adventurous and wild weekend we had for Ella's baptism! In the 5 1/2 years we have lived in Charlotte, we have only had snow a couple of times and of course, we had a big storm the day before her baptism. We were really happy that both of our parents made it safely but unfortunately some of our family and friends couldn't make it. We were especially sad that Ella's godparents, Uncle Court and Aunt Kelly couldn't make the trip but the roads were just too bad. We did end up having it though and it turned out to be a really nice day on her baptism and such a special service.
Ella was such a good baby during the entire service and didn't make a peep, except when she babbled to the entire congregation!
Making her grand debut.
The whole family and then us with Dr. Howell.
Ella has the best grandparents.

Ella is growing so much lately and smiling and laughing all the time. Mike wanted to see what she would look like in his hat and she thought it was so funny!
We also had a Minnie Mouse birthday party for Allie next door and Ella got in the party spirit with the ears and she and Wesley were so much in the party spirit, they wanted some tasty beverages!
Out enjoying the snow and ice before the baptism. We were glad she got a Winnie the Pooh snow suit from the neighbor.

More play time in the snow and with Papa.

Ella loves her bath time!
She is such a big girl now, she can hold the bottle on her own and sit up on her own. She definitely has an independent streak like her Mom!
Hanging out with Papa.
Finally, Ella loves her food and meal time! She gets a lot of it on her face and bib:)
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