Sunday, August 9, 2009

False Alarm

I am sure most of you have probably heard the story by now but in case you haven't, we had an eventful day last Monday but not the kind we thought we would have. Mike and I went into the hospital bright and early that morning ready to meet the new little one and 30 minutes before the c-section, the doctor came back one last time to check and low and behold, the baby flipped and is no longer breech. So, after much shock to Mike and I, we packed up and headed home and will now wait the old fashioned way for the baby to come. We will let you once the baby comes for real and we hope it will be soon since my actual due date is tomorrow, August 10th. So, the waiting game begins...

Here is a picture of us getting ready to leave for the hospital thinking we were having a baby but little peanut had other plans!

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