(Sorry it has been awhile since I have posted pictures. We are busy as usual and when I have some free time and both girls are sleeping, I am usually too exhausted to do anything but lay on the couch. Will try and keep it updated more frequently.)
Like pretty much everywhere else in the country, it has been HOT HOT HOT here in Charlotte. So, we have been trying to beat the heat by either playing in the water if we do venture outside or seeking relief inside in the AC.
Staying inside means trying to find things to keep busy and entertained and one of Ella's favorite games is "pretending night night" with Maddie in her bed. She likes to lay right next to Maddie on the pillow, arrange the blanket and then pretend they are going to sleep. Maddie hasn't quite caught onto how to pretend sleeping though but she does love laying next to Ella. Actually she is happy to be anywhere her big sister is, she loves watching Ella.
When it's not sweltering out, we have been spending some time at the park. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit for a night after their Disney trip and got Ella her first pair of soccer cleats. Daddy was very excited about this and of course had to test them out on the fields.
Another park trip resulted in Maddie's first swing ride. Ella thought this was the coolest thing ever that Maddie could go in and couldn't wait to push her but we are still working on gentle pushes.
We have been spending lots of time outside in water and while sometimes I wish we had a huge in ground pool in our backyard, I quickly wake up from that dream. So, we improvise with our pool and actually, it's not too bad.
We have not only been spending time in the pool with just Mommy and Daddy but also having some fun play dates with the pools also. Good thing she has so many bathing suits!
Good thing the best buddies have their shades on to protect their eyes from the bright sun.
And look who is big enough to ride like a big girl in the stroller. We have taken out the car seat attachment and she now sits facing forward and she loves it. Unfortunately right after we moved it, the triple degree temps arrived so we are hoping for a little relief so we can go walking a lot more soon.
Miss Maddie Grace just turned 4 months old and continues to be the sweetest little girl. She has such a happy disposition and is pretty laid back but we are still working on her sleeping through the night. She typically wakes up once around 2:30 and goes right back to sleep but after 4+ months of not sleeping through the night, this mama is definitely ready for those long 12 hour stretches. We take her for her 4 month appt on Tuesday so I will know weight and stats then. She does love her activity center because she can stand up and check everything.
Cute sisters in pink outfits.
We had the best buddy's 3rd birthday party last week and Ella thought the strawberry shortcake piƱata was pretty fun. We have been to a lot of birthday parties lately and Ella can't wait until it is her turn. She tells everyone that asks that her birthday is August 13th and she will be 3 while holding up 3 fingers. Every time you ask her what she wants for her birthday, she responds, "a princess, a pink princess." No, she isn't girly at all! Sorry Daddy, she isn't asking for a soccer ball this year.
Finally, this week and weekend was super H-O-T! Temperatures have been over 100 (evidence below) and we are lucky enough to have neighbors with benefits. Our neighbors have an aunt and uncle that live in Charlotte with an amazing backyard and pool. They just happened to be out of town and so we were able to use their beautiful pool several times. DeeDee also came up to visit this week and was able to spend the day with us at the pool. It ended up working out great, while Maddie took a nap inside in the cool AC, Ella got to play with her buddies in the pool. Check out the diva on her raft.
I wasn't joking, it was hot. Check out the thermometer from our back deck.
Not sure what is happening with the spacing on these last pictures but Maddie even joined in the pool for a little bit. She isn't the biggest fan of the pool yet, I think she doesn't love the cold water because she loves her baths in the warm water but after a little bit, she finally warmed up to it.
We are heading up to Connecticut on the 4th (yes, this is will Maddie's first flight, yikes!) so I am sure we will lots more pictures to come after that. Hope everyone has a great holiday and stays cool!