Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pool and Tea Party Fit for a Princess

This past Saturday, we had a small party for Ella for her 5th birthday. For as long as the Frozen movie has been out, she has been mentioning she wanted a Frozen tea party for her birthday but when I asked what she wanted to do at this party, she couldn't think of anything besides tea. So, when we joined our new pool this spring, I knew a pool party would be perfect for our August baby because in August in Charlotte, it is too hot to do anything but be in a cool pool. So, we decided to combo it and have a pool party and then everyone back to our house for a "tea party." Since we were moving locations and logistics, I told Ella, she had to keep the party super small and she was actually quite agreeable. We invited 4 of her closest friends and their families. In total it was still 10 kids (including our 2) but considering we had close to 30 kids last year, 10 was a breeze! DeeDee, Papa, Uncle Court and Miss Laura also came up for the weekend so we had a great time celebrating our big girl!

Ella and Wesley are 6 weeks apart and used to live behind each other in our old house and see each other everyday. Since we moved, they don't see each other as much but their bond is still as strong as ever and they have the best time together.
 Ella and one of her preschool buddies, Lambeth
 Kayla, Allie, Addie and Ella
 Love this sweet picture of the girls having fun in the pool
 Of course, little sister was there to get in on the action
 Maddie is obsessed with DeeDee, she wants to be where she is every second of the day when she visits. It is probably because DeeDee lets Maddie do whatever she wants, including squirt her with a water bottle during the party!
 We came back to our house and the girls changed into princess dresses and we had tea (chai tea latte from Starbucks, these five year olds have expensive taste already), pizza and cake. Sweet Wyatt and Will, he only boys were very good sports about the entire thing.
 This is the best picture we got of Ella blowing out her candles, not great but oh well.
 The little sisters had their own table and enjoyed their pizza as well. Those two are such trouble and so adorable!
 After dinner, the girls played for a little bit outside. Matching princess dresses for best buds!
 The birthday celebration is finally over but it was a great one! Our little princess loved playing with her friends and family!
 Side note: I read the last blog entry again and I know it sounds like Ella is perfect but she is isn't. She definitely has her moments of being whiny, cranky and a typical kid but just wanted to convey how much I am truly enjoying her company right now and how much I am enjoying this age.

Thanks Uncle Court for making the trek up to Charlotte to spend the weekend with us!

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