Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back to School!

School is back and everyone at the Hennessy household is celebrating. This summer was such a blast and we did so many fun things but the girls were ready to get back to school and Mommy was ready for a little break again. 

Ella started a day before Maddie and this is her final year in preschool. She is in TK (or transitional kindergarten) and will go 5 days this year but only half days. Next year is the big kindergarten where she will be gone all day long so I am savoring having her home in the afternoons for more year.
 She was so excited for school to start that she woke up, got dressed and brushed her teeth on her own. Then she wanted to write all the letters on the chalkboard for her picture. She did such a great job!
 Since this is her 4th year in preschool, she knew almost everyone in her class and knew her teachers from school before so she wasn't nervous at all, just all smiles and ready to go! I know she is just going to have the best "last" year in preschool.
 Little sister couldn't stay out of the picture for too long, she had to jump in as well to give big sis a big hug for good luck!

 The next day, they both went (and Mommy really celebrated!). I was honestly a little nervous about how Maddie Grace would do, not because she doesn't love school but because she LOVES her teachers from last year so much. She talked about Lisa and Julie all summer and when I said back to school, she said she wanted Lisa and Julie. Well, she has new teachers this year Ms Anne and Ms Allie and I tried to explain they were her new teachers but she kept saying "No, Maddie have Lisa and Julie." So I anticipated walking in her crying to her old teachers but to my surprise, she walked into her new class with a huge smile and was totally fine. Whew, what a relief!
 I adore these Lilly dresses I got for them on super sale, really hoping they will fit next year also!
 The chalkboard sign is hard to read but it says "First day of Two's Preschool." And that expression on her face, I can't take it! She is definitely miss personality. And she was over the pictures, so I had to bribe her with chocolate. (If only that worked with potty training!) 
 There they go, off to school! This will be final year of the two of them posing for a picture together at our beloved preschool. I will cherish this year when they are on the same schedule, next year will be a whole different story.
 We are two in and they both continue to love it so much. It makes me so happy to see their big smiles as they walk into school.
And finally, this picture is from another day before school but had to post it because my mother in law made the girls these adorable matching dresses and they look so cute in them. Thanks Grandma!

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