Sunday, September 12, 2010

Seabrook (The beginning)

So, we loaded up the car and the 4 of us (of course we brought Dakota) headed down to one of our favorite places, Seabrook Island for 8 glorious days of beach, pool, golf, tennis and sunsets! We have been waiting for this trip all summer and as usual, it didn't disappoint. I took a lot of pictures so will have to break up the posts but here is a glimpse at the beginning of the trip. In the car, ready to go! Yes, we did manage to use every square inch of car space but Ella seems ok with it, Dakota, not so much!
We had a normal routine of heading over to the pool in the mornings followed by the naptime and then afternoons spent on the beach! This little one got her exercise! She took more and more steps each day and was doing so great but she isn't ready to give up crawling completely yet. She loved to walk around the pool and then fall and splash in the water!
I love the pool!
Ella's favorite part of the week was getting to spend so much time with Daddy (and I think Daddy loved all the extra time also!) Here they are swimming together.
So sweet!
We did borrow a float to use for the pool but I am glad I snapped this picture immediately once she got in because I think she only lasted about 10 minutes. She preferred to have one of us hold her or splash around on her own in the kiddie area.
To our surprise, Ella loved the ocean and the beach! We would take her in the waves and jump through them and splash around and she would smile and laugh. As long as we were holding her tight of course. It also helped that the water was so warm!
Soaking up the warm sunshine!
Of course before the trip, I went out and got all these fun beach toys and of course, Ella wasn't interested at all in them. Her favorite toys all week were beach chairs that she would climb in and out of all afternoon and opening and closing the cooler. Why I even buy toys is a mystery?
Her new favorite trick is drinking out of a water bottle. She loves to sip it up and doesn't mind when too much comes out and spills down her swim shirt.
See, I am a big girl and I sit in the big girl chair. We brought down a kids chair but she wanted to sit like the rest of us a big chair and she liked trying them all out!
One of our favorite times of the day at the beach is happy hour/sunset time! The back deck has a perfect view of the sunset and we always make it a priority to hang out together on the deck with a cocktail and toast to the amazing day. Papa telling Ella all about sunsets, definitely his favorite part of the day!
I mean, with a sunset like that, how can you not smile! Never get tired of looking at that.
Look at those two, so adorable!
I am sure you were wondering if I was there since all the photos are of Ella and Mike but I was always the photographer. Finally, I got some time to steal some kisses from my munchkin!
Beautiful setting for an amazing start of the week, we already miss it. More pictures to come soon!

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