Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seabrook (The Middle)

So, I took a bunch of pictures but won't bore you with all of them but here are some from the middle to the end of our trip to the beach. As you can see, we had amazing weather and even more spectacular sunsets. And of course had to sneak in from cheesy but cute family pictures.

After the sun went down, we were told that was Jupiter next to the moon. The colors were so beautiful.
I think Ella is saying, no more pictures, you will why below, we tortured her for a bunch of them that day!
Wearing Uncle Court's captain's hat, I don't think she was a big fan.
This looks like it could be out of a magazine, the colors were just amazing during the sunets. Now you know why we love happy hour and sunset time so much down there.
All the girls in our white outfits!
Ella having a fit after all the pictures, haha!
I LOVE this one of the three of us, it may become our Christmas card photo.
Cute of the whole family except DeeDee had her eyes closed.

Hanging with Jennifer!
Another night, another sunet and happy hour! Mom and Ella wearing Lilly and Dad wearing Southern Tides, so preppy and I love it!! Perfect for Charleston!
I think Ella is saying, I want a drink for happy hour also!
Why do we have to leave, can't we stay at the beach forever??
Walking around the beach
It's a toss up who loves the beach more, Ella or Dakota!
Ella definitely has her Papa wrapped around her finger, she even started saying Papa by the end of the week.
Seriously, what's up that captain's hat Uncle Court?? Not so sure about that one.
I love sitting in a big girl chair!

Ella loves doggies! In fact, her first word besides Momma and Dada is "doggie". Giving Jennifer's dog Emma a big hug!
Before the Boise State/VT game and yes, we were robbed by the refs in that game. And we won't talk about the other game...

A couple more pictures to come from the end of our trip but as you can see, the trip was amazing! Thanks DeeDee and Papa for everything.

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